
2018-5-7  潮望艺术网

China Abstract Art (New York) Exhibition


[Overview] This exhibition is a cross-century presentation exhibition ofChinese abstract art. The participating artists were born in 1920 to 1998(nearly spanning a century year).


Ma Yiying


The birth of abstract art in the twentieth century is a transition of the humanaesthetic concept. The visual arts suddenly burst into abstract art from theconcrete expression that has been obsessed for thousands of years. This is aqualitative leap in artistic expression, meaning that art surpasses itself.


Although the abstract art's name originated in the Western art circle, theabstract art's gene is common in all human ethnic arts. Inspired by Westernabstract art, Chinese abstract art has developed by leaps and bounds in thepast two decades. Because the rooted concept in Chinese culture happens tocoincide with the concept of abstract art, the abstract art is developing asfull of life as a duck to water in Chinese art ecology. At present, Chineseabstract art has become a vital force in promoting the further development ofglobal abstract art.

Organizers| Chinese Abstract Art Promotion Salon, Jinan Yongquan Academy
Co-organizer| Association of Chinese Americans, Inc.
Special media|Art World, China

Chief curator|MaYiying
Exhibition Director| Liu Tao
Art Director|Wuai Yiwei, Xu Yuying
Overall planning|Li Yihong

Exhibition time| May14th, 2018
Venue|DDR at UnitedNations



Participating Artists (sorted by age):
Chu Teh-Chun, ZaoWou-Ki, Yu Youhan, Ma Lu, Tan Ping, Meng Luding, Gu Liming, Xiao Ye, ZhuZhigang, Gu Yunrui, Yuan Hailong, Weng Shijun, LiuYingqing, Liu Bo, Zhou Xi, Guo Yanlin, XuXingui, Zhou Jinhuan, Chen Qi, Luo Wenxi, ZhangJufang, Yukine Yanagi

Works and Resumes ofArtists participating the exhibition:

Chu Teh-chun (May 22,1920 to March 26, 2014): Born in Xiaoxian, Anhui Province. In 1941, hegraduated from Hangzhou National College of Art (present China Academy of Art).He settled in Paris in 1955, and was naturalized French citizenship in 1980. In1997, he was elected as lifetime academician (the first Chinese academician) inthe School of Arts, L'Institut de France. As one of the famous overseas Chineseartists, he has held more than 50 solo exhibitions around the world.

Zao Wou-ki: (February13, 1921 to April 9, 2013): a Chinese French painter. Born in Beijing, China.In 1935, he entered Hangzhou National College of Art under the guidance of LinFengmian. In 1948, he went to France to study, and then settled there. He wasknown as the "representative of the modern Western lyricalabstractionism". He served as lifetime painter at the Art Gallery of Franceand a professor at the National Academy of Decorative Arts of Paris, andreceived the Knight's Cross in France. He has held more than 160 soloexhibitions around the world.

Yu Youhan: Born inShanghai in 1943. In 1973, he graduated from the Central Academy of Art andDesign. In recent years, he has been active in the international art world. Hebecame one of Chinese pioneer figures who influenced the history ofcontemporary Chinese art in the art development such as 85’ Artistic New Trend inthe last century and Political Pops in the 1990s. He was also one of the mostimportant contemporary abstract painting artists in China. Now he is living inShanghai.

Ma Lu: Ma Lugraduated from Oil Painting Department of Central Academy of Fine Art in 1982;and graduated from Liberal Arts Department of Germany University of Fine Artsof Hamburg in 1984; now, he is the professor of Oil Painting Department ofCentral Academy of Fine Art, and the Dean of Styling Department of CentralAcademy of Fine Art. Ma Lu was honored with the Plastic Arts Award Candidate ofWu Zuoren Art Award in 2006; was selected in the New Century Excellent TalentsSupport Program of the Ministry of Education in 2008; obtained the Better LiftCup Artistic Contribution Award of World Conference of Aesthetics in 2010. Hisworks Butterfly Crossing over the Ocean becomes the pioneer works for China’s Neo-Expressionism, herecords China’s most upset and confused era by the neo-expression;he is one of important painters in China’s contemporarypainting area.

Tan Ping: Tan Pingwas born in Chengde City of Hebei Province in 1960. He obtained the bachelordegree from the Print-making Department of the Central Academy of Fine Artsfrom 1980 to 1984. After graduation, he becomes the instructor in the CentralAcademy of Fine Arts from 1984 to 1989. He obtained the German Culture and ArtExchange Scholarship (DAAD), and studied in Free Painting Department of theBerlin University of the Arts to obtain the Master and Meisterschule degreesfrom 1989 to 1994. After that, he undertook the Dean and Professor of theDesign Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts from 2002 to 2003. Hebecame the Vice Dean and professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts from2003 to 2014. He undertook the Vice-dean of the China Art Research Institute in2014. Tan Ping is one of the major representative artists of China’s abstract art.

孟禄丁:1962年出生于河北。北京人。1979-1983年就读于中央美术学院附中;1983-1987年就读于中央美术学院油画系,毕业后留校任教于中央美术学院油画系第四画室;1990 就读于德国卡斯鲁赫国立美术学院;1992年移居美国;1993年任教于美国理德学院。现定居北京。孟禄丁是二十世纪⼋十年代的代表画家之一,作品《在新时代·亚当夏娃的启》作为85美术运动的开篇之作被记载史册。2015年起开创中央美术学院油画系第五工作室,此工作室为中国第一个抽象艺术工作室。孟禄丁是中国抽象艺术的主要代表人物之一。
Meng Luding: MengLuding was a Beijinger, born in Hebei Province in 1962. He studied in theAttached Middle School of the Central Academy of Fine Arts from 1979 to 1983;then studied in the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Artsfrom 1983 to 1987, after graduation, he taught in the Fourth Studio of the OilPainting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts; after that, he studiedin German Karlsruhe National Academy of Fine Arts in 1990; then migrated toAmerica; he taught in American Reed College in 1993. Now, he lives in Beijing.Meng Luding is one of the representative artists in 1980s, his works of In theNew Age: the Enlightenment of Adam and Eve was documented in the history as theopening works of 85 Art Movement.Since 2015, Meng Luding set up the FifthStudio of the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts,which becomes China’s first abstract art studio. Meng Luding is one of the majorrepresentative artists of China’s abstract art.

Gu Liming: Born inWeifang, Shandong in 1963. He hasever taught at Shandong College of Arts andChina Academy of Art. In 2009, he received a Ph.D. in oil painting from ChinaAcademy of Art. Now he serves as professor and doctoral tutor in the Departmentof Painting, Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University.

Xiao Ye: member of Chinese Artists Association. He graduated fromornamental sculpture major in Academy of Arts & Design, TsinghuaUniversity. Now he lives in Changsha.

Zhu Zhigang: Born in Wuhan, Hubei in 1960. He graduated from artdepartment of Wuxi Light Industry College in 1985. Now he is the president ofJiangnan Oil Paint and Sculpture Institute, associate professor of Public ArtDepartment of Jiangnan University. He is the representative of warm abstract.

Gu Yunrui: Born inQiqihar, Heilongjiang in 1964. In 1988, he graduated from the Department ofMural Painting, Central Academy of Fine Arts. He was granted the Academic YearAward by the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1985, the Excellent Works Award ofthe 9th National Fine Arts Exhibition in 1999, the Second National MuralPainting Exhibition Award in 2009, and the National Environmental Art DesignCompetition Gold Award in 2009. Now he is living in Beijing.

Yuan Hailong: Born inJinan, Shandong in 1965, he servesas the director of Shandong ArtistsAssociation, vice chairman of Shandong Comic Association and dean of JinanYongquan Academy. He is also a professional artist.

翁世军:1965年出生于浙江宁波。1989年毕业于原中央工艺美术学院。现定居宁波。职业艺术家、设计师、中国建筑学会室内设计理事。曾荣获2015IEED国际生态设计空间奖、2016法国双面神INNODESIGN PRIZE国际设计大奖、2018年中日首届IDPA国际先锋设计和TOP100国际影响力设计师大奖等。
Weng Shijun: Born inNingbo, Zhejiang in 1965, he was graduated from the former Central Academy ofArts and Design in 1989. Now he is living in Ningbo and serving as professionalartist, designer, and director of interior design of Architectural Society ofChina. He had won the 2015 IEED Award, the 2016 French INNODESIGN PRIZE, thefirst China-Japan IDPA Award and the TOP100 Internationally InfluentialDesigners in 2018.

刘影青:职业艺术家。现居美国。毕业于中央工艺美术学院陶艺系、美国克兰博克(CRANBROOK )艺术学院 金属工艺、现代首饰设计系(硕士)。作品曾在中国工艺美术馆、美国克兰博克博物馆、日本恩巴近现代美术馆等重要美术馆展出并收藏。
Liu Yingqing:Professional artist. Now he is living in the United States. He graduated fromthe Department ofCeramic Arts, Central Academy of Art and Design, and theDepartment of Metal Crafts and the Department of Modern Jewelry Design(Master's Degree), CRANBROOK College of Art. His works have been exhibited andcollected at major museums such as China Arts and Crafts Galley, CRANBROOKMuseum (United States), and Emba-China Modern Art Museum (Japan).

Liu Bo: He wasgraduated from the Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University. He is thedean of the Beijing CAFA Boyi Arts Art Institute, the guest professor of theCentral Academy of Fine Arts, and the deputy secretary-general of the SculptureCommittee, China Arts and Crafts Association.

Zhou Xi: Born in Hunan in 1969 and graduated from the Department of Chinese Painting, Central Academy of Fine Arts, he serves as member of Hunan Artists Association and professional artist. Now he is living and working in Hong Kong and Hunan.

Guo Yanlin: Born inLanzhou. He graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, Xi'an Peihua College.After graduation, he was sent to Kyoto Cheng'an University of Modeling in Japanto study computer multimedia design; his graduation works were exhibited at theKyoto Art Museum. After returning home, he remained as lecturer in the ArtDepartment of the Art Institute. He is a professional artist.

Xu Xingui: Born inShiyan, Hubei in 1976. In 2002, he graduated from the Department of OilPainting, Hubei Academy of Fine Arts. In 2006, he graduated from Capital NormalUniversity with a master's degree in oil painting.  He served as part-timeguest professor with the associate senior professional title of Hanjiang NormalUniversity. Now he is living and working in Beijing, Wuhan and Shiyan, andinsists on the exploration and practice of oil painting materials andTemperella materials.

Zhou Jinhuan: Born in Hunan in 1977 and graduated from College of Art andDesign, Shenzhen University in 2000, he serves as professional artist. Now heis living and working in Tongren and Shenzhen.

陈琦:1979年出生于北京。1999年毕业于中央美术学院附中;2003年毕业于清华大学美术学院绘画系获文学学士学位;2006年毕业于爱丁堡大学艺术学院纯艺术专业获文学硕士学位,获The Helen A.Rose Bequest毕业奖学金。曾任教于中央美术学院附中,担任国际部主任、校务委员会委员;现任中央美术学院城市设计学院教育推广与合作中心主任、院务委员会委员。
Chen Qi: Born in 1979in Beijing. He graduated from the middle school affiliated to the CentralAcademy of Fine Arts in 1999; He graduated from the Department of Painting,Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University with a Bachelor of Artsdegree in 2003; he graduated with a Master of Arts degree in fine arts from theCollege of Arts, University of Edinburgh with Helen A. Rose Bequestgraduationscholarship in 2006. He has taught at the middle school affiliated to theCentral Academy of Fine Arts, and served as director of the InternationalDepartment and member of the School Administration Committee; now he serves asdirector of the Center for Educational Promotion and Cooperation, School ofUrban Planning, Central Academy of Fine Arts and a member of the SchoolAdministration Committee.

Luo Wenxi: Born inHunan in 1979. In 2008, he graduated from the Department of Film and TelevisionArt, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute. He serves as Member of Chongqing ArtistsAssociation, freelance artist. Now he is living in Chongqing.

Zhang Jufang: Tujia.Born in Guangxi in 1984. She studied at West Virginia University, USA in 2010and received a Master of Arts degree. She has been a visiting artist at theRochester Institute of Civil Arts in New York, USA. Now she is teaching at theDepartment of Arts, School of Humanities, Xi'an Jiaotong University.

Yukine Yanagi: Bornin Japan in 1998. He is currently studying for the Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)degree in the Department of Drawing, Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) inProvidence, Rhode Island.
